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Back to USSR

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Communal Paradise

The official architectural hallmark of the USSR is VDNKh, but a communal apartment will best introduce you to the real living conditions of Soviet citizens. It was a unique solution to the housing issue in conditions of overpopulation in large cities when the former owner of a large apartment was left with one room only and workers of factories, military personnel, employees of various Soviet institutions housed the rest. The cohabitation of strangers in the same apartment has given rise to a special culture that has not yet fully receded into the past, because until now 10% of housing in St. Petersburg are "communal apartments". During the tour, you will find yourself in a former communal apartment that has retained its original layout: four rooms, a narrow corridor and a shared kitchen. It is the reconstruction of a Leningrad communal apartment where different characters "live": the former owner of the entire apartment; a family that moved to the city from the village; representative of "informal youth" and artist, representative of the Leningrad underground. This apartment, like a time machine, will allow you to immerse yourself in the life of Leningraders from different parts of society and in different periods of history. You will see devices and things familiar to every Soviet person and learn about the history of communal apartments, the culture and the problems they have created.

Museum of Political History

The modern museum is a direct descendant of the Museum of the Revolution. It appeared back in 1919 and not just anywhere, but in the halls of the Winter Palace itself, and is rightfully considered one of the first Soviet museums. A difficult fate awaited him: numerous relocations, "cleaning" of museum funds, strict control over the content of the expositions. Many years passed before the ideological dictatorship disappeared and the exhibits were able to speak with their own voice. Today the museum's exposition is dedicated to the turning points in the history of Russia, the main political reforms that led to significant economic and cultural shifts. Here are collected documents and personal belongings that will acquaint you with the activities of Catherine the Great, the reforms of the tsar-liberator Alexander II, the social and political movements of the Russian Empire. You will find out how many revolutions there were, what a "personality cult" and "stagnation" are, and how the Belovezhskaya Pushcha reserve appeared on one of the most important pages of the political history of Russia.

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