English, German, French, Chinese, Italian, Spanish — are just some of the languages ​​spoken by the guides «Krugozor Expo Travel». Professional and experienced Guide is half the success of your trip. We will be happy to introduce you to the real experts in the history and culture of Russia, whose fascinating stories will help you deeply understand our country.

I like to share interesting and exciting stories and legends of my city with the guests from abroad. I have recently made up several new tours: “The Siege of Leningrad”,
“ Saint-Petersburg – the city of great religious tolerance. Different denominations and      ways of their development”.
Eugenia Guide, English
I've been working as a guide for many years. I love my city and I like to meet new people. I would be happy to show the beauty of St. Petersburg, tell you about its history, and introduce you to the collections of the Hermitage and other museums!  Natalia Guide, English, French
Sou Natalia Golovanova, guia licenciada de S.Petersburgo, formada em Letras.   Sou admiradora da arquitetura da nossa cidade e gosto muito de mostrar aos nossos clientes as belezas arquitectónicas e chamar a sua atenção aos pontos mais interessantes de S.Petersburgo, bem como contar as histórias sobre a vida dos csares e personalidades célebres  Rússia. Terei muito gosto de vos ver nas margens do rio Neva, na nossa linda cidade chamada "Veneza do Norte"... Natalia Guide, Portuguese


  • Official exhibition tour operator
  • Individual approach to each customer
  • Flexible work system
  • Special program for corporate clients
  • Reasonable combination of price and quality