+7 (812) 335-20-15 daily from 10:00 to 18:00


The great advantage of traveling in Russia is the size of our vast homeland. Have you already seen all landmarks of Moscow and Saint-Petersburg , warmed up on the Black Sea coast and decided to learn what Lapland is? You just need to buy a flight ticket to Murmansk, the largest city in the world beyond the Arctic Circle! Here you will find "ecological hunting". Through the camera lens, you will catch the wonderful landscapes of the Lapland reserve and the Khibiny mountains. In Sami village you will follow the footsteps of the indigenous peoples of the north to know all about their traditions and culture. And, of course, you will try to hunt down the elusive northern lights.

DAY 1. Flight Moscow – Murmansk

  • Flight to Murmansk via Moscow (tickets are NOT included)
  • Meeting with your guide at the airport
  • Transfer to the hotel
  • Check-in at the hotel****
  • Dinner at the hotel

DAY 2. Murmansk

  • Buffet breakfast at the hotel
  • Sightseeing tour
  • Lunch in a local restaurant
  • Free time
  • Departure to the Sami village – an open air museum
  • Departure to Murmansk. Northern lights hunting on the way.
  • Arrival in Murmansk. Overnight at the hotel

DAY 3. Kirovsk – Lapland Reserve

  • Buffet breakfast at the hotel
  • Guided visit of the “Snow village” in Kirovsk
  • Lunch in a local restaurant
  • Guided visit of the Lapland Biosphere Reserve:
    – Including visit to the memorial house of Russian geographer Semyonov-Tyan-Shansky
    – Walk along the “ecological path”
    – Discover a “Chum” (rawhide tent of Sami people) and rites of innates of Kola Peninsula.
    – Enjoy a tea-party and traditional baked goods
  • Departure to Murmansk
  • Diner at the hotel

DAY 4. Murmansk

  • Buffet breakfast at the hotel
  • Guided visit of ice-breaker “Lenin”
  • Lunch in a local restaurant
  • Guided visit of the regional ethnography museum where you will learn the whole history of Kola Peninsula from prehistoric times till the 21 century
  • Free time
  • Diner in a local restaurant
  • “Northern lights hunting” and return to the hotel

DAY 5. Murmansk

  • Buffet breakfast at the hotel
  • Free day

DAY 6. Murmansk – Moscow

  • Buffet breakfast at the hotel
  • Check-out the hotel
  • Transfer to the airport
  • Flight to Moscow (tickets are NOT included)

Ice-breaker “Lenin” Kirovsk snow village. Kirovsk Лапландский заповедник. Мурманск. Кольский залив. Порт. Murmansk. Alyosha monument Murmansk Northern lights Sami village – an open air museum. Sami village – an open air museum Sami village – an open air museum
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  • Murmansk is a seaport located on the rocky shore of non-freezing Kola Bay. It is known as the largest city in the world located beyond the Arctic Circle. This young city by Russian standards (founded in 1916) is the personification of the Russian North, incredibly popular with Russian and foreign tourists. During the sightseeing city tour you will get acquainted with history and life of the city. You will know about the importance of the city during the Second World War, when it hosted convoys of ships of allied countries delivering assistance under Lend-Lease. You will visit numerous sites including "Alyosha" – a 42-meter monument to a Soviet soldier. Like any sea city, it has its own museum – ship that you will visit on the fourth day of your journey. The nuclear icebreaker "Lenin" is the world's first ship is the first nuclear-powered ship built in record time – in just 3 years and 2 months. Over the years of service, this unique ship has covered 654,400 nautical miles, which is more than three times the length of the distance from the Earth to the Moon. During the tour, you will see the luxurious wardroom, the captain's cabin, the command bridge, the radio room and even the engine room. You will find a story about the history of the nuclear icebreaker fleet, the development of the Northern Sea Route and the exploration of the Arctic. In the Murmansk Museum of Local Lore, you can get acquainted with the history of the Kola Peninsula from ancient times to the present day. Here you will learn about the first settlements and life of the indigenous peoples of these places, the Russian colonization of the North, the nature and fauna of Russian Lapland.

  • "Sam-Syit" Sami village is a unique ethnographic museum located 100 km from Murmansk that will give you the opportunity to immerse yourself in the culture of the Sami – the indigenous people of the Kola Peninsula. You will visit "Vezhu" – a traditional Sami dwelling and stroll along the alley of conspired idols. You will demonstrate your prowess in fun folk games and try national Sami dishes: salmon soup, sea fish with rice or venison with potatoes, "Pakula" herbal tea. And, of course, go for a reindeer sleigh ride, feed the reindeer and meet other local animals: huskies, arctic foxes, foxes and rabbits. For a small additional fee, you can take pictures in national costumes, ride a snowmobile and purchase a lucky amulet.

  • Kirovsk is one of the centers of Russian ski tourism, surrounded by the majestic Khibiny mountains. But today you are not going to conquer the steep slopes, but to visit the real "Snow Village". It is a unique complex of structures built by hand from snow and ice on an area of 2000 square meters. Every autumn, sculptors and painters gather in Kirovsk to build a sparkling white town. The Snow Village theme is always unique and never repeats! Each year is a new building with its own unique spirit. Here you can go to the ice bar, watch a movie in the snow cinema, visit the gallery of ice sculptures and try yourself as an ice sculptor.

  • Lapland Biosphere Reserve is one of the oldest reserves in Russia, founded in 1930, where you will see virgin ancient forests, whose age is estimated from 3 to 10 thousand years. The main value of the reserve is wild untouched nature, which is here in its natural pristine state. Five plant species growing in the reserve are listed in the Red Book of Russia. Access to the reserve is limited and is possible only along specially designed ecological routes. During your stay in the reserve, you will also visit the House-Museum of Oleg Izmailovich Semyonov-Tyan-Shansky, the chronicler of the Russian North, one of the founders of the reserve, who wrote many valuable books about it. For many years, the scientist fought against the pollution of the nature of the Kola Peninsula, for the ecological well-being of the North. The museum displays unique photographs, which show the history of the famous Russian family of the Semyonov-Tyan-Shanskys; personal belongings and devices of the scientist. Your visit to the reserve will end with a visit to the Chum – the traditional home of the northern peoples, where you will get acquainted with the traditions and rituals of the inhabitants of the Kola Peninsula.

The cost of such an event from 488 euro per pax (in groups from 30 pax)

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